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Facebook:   Laguna Joint Elementary 


Instagram: #Lagunaelementary

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Regular attendance is very important so that all children can progress through the instructional program. Should your child be absent, please call the school and leave a message at 707-762-6051. When your child next returns to school please send a note explaining the absence. The note should also contain the date(s) of the absence and your signature. Attendance also affects the amount of funding we receive from the state. Please do not send your child to school ill, in respect of the health of others.

Tardies disrupt the learning of your child and that of others. Please ensure that your child is at school on time. Excessive tardies will be treated as a discipline matter and will incur consequences.


The Marin County Bookmobile visits our school once a week on Wednesdays. Students will need to have their own library cards to check out a book. (Forms will be provided before the first bookmobile visit.)  Books may be checked out for one week. 


The curriculum is set by the State of California. Standards and model curriculum guides are provided for English/Language Arts, History/Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, Visual & Performing Arts, Physical Education and Health. Materials and textbooks are selected in accordance with these guidelines.


Students’ academic and social progress are monitored in a variety of ways. These may include teacher observation, work samples, journals, oral presentations, tests, rubrics and discussions. 

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), which includes the Smarter Balanced assessment, is given to students each spring in grades 3 – 6. The results may be used to design instruction suited to your child and to give the school and parents information about the student’s progress. Additional language testing (the ELPAC) is given annually to help teachers assess bilingual students' proficiency in English.



Staff training days are designed to introduce staff to new material and successful teaching strategies. These days will also give the faculty the opportunity to plan together and to discuss issues important to our school. Your support of these days is appreciated.



We communicate with parents by actively involving you in your child’s progress and program in the following ways:

~ Back to School Night is designed as an orientation program. Your child’s teacher will acquaint you with the goals of the year, the course of study and materials used. Parents Only Please.

~ Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled to share information about your child’s development and progress. Individual conferences will be held in the fall, and may be scheduled throughout the year by a parent request.

~ Report cards will be sent home two times a year, at the end of each semester.

~ Student work will be sent home frequently. (Please be aware that students will also keep portfolios of their work in the classroom;  Parents may view portfolio work at any time throughout the school year.)

~ Notes, emails and phone calls from the teachers.



Students learn best when they are in a safe and supportive environment, where rules and expectations are clear and consistent. With this in mind, the following standards have been developed:

1. Respect yourself and others, 2. Follow the directions given by teachers and other adults, 3. Respect other people’s and the school’s property, 4. Be prepared and on time every day, and 5. Use polite language.



Students feel good about themselves and appreciate being noticed when they do the right thing. Students may be recognized for positive behavior in one or more of the following ways:

   ~ Praise and thanks, special privileges or rewards, certificates for achievement/conduct 



In the event that your child becomes ill or has an accident at school, you or an adult you designate, will be notified immediately. A school staff member will care for your child until you can pick him or her up. Please be sure that you have filled out the Emergency Card accurately and completely. Should there be any changes during the year (new job, phone number, baby-sitter, etc.) please inform us. Fire, earthquake, and disaster drills are held regularly to acquaint students with the proper procedures. Should a major disaster occur, students will be kept at school until it is safe to release them. They will then be released to parents or adults you have designated on the emergency cards, or someone you authorize. Students will not be released without your permission.


Student dress should be appropriate to the classroom and conducive to school work. Shoes that are comfortable and appropriate for playground activities (Close-toed shoes) are recommended to avoid accidents. Dressing in layers is always recommended as the Chileno Valley day starts with fog and often gets hot by lunch.


A Snack and Lunch option is available through Petaluma City Schools. Students can always bring their own lunch. Sharing is not encouraged because of food allergies. 

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